5. jan. 2019

Farewell 2018 and hello to a new and exciting 2019!

Another year has passed for The Danish Railway Series, which has been book less since the withdrawal of ”Fredrik & the high speed train” in 2014. But what has happened since then?

The christmas card 2018

A sketch of how the front
cover could look like on the
first book
Well firstly, the whole story had to be rewritten as i didn't believe it delivered what i wanted. It's taken its time and as we enter 2019 i think it's time for an update. 2017 was in many years where a lot of the writing was completed and in 2018 i attempted to complete a great deal of writing too.
Status at the beginning of 2019 is, that i'm still over halfway but not quite finished.

That being said, I still plan to focus a lot more on writing in the new year. Of the same reason a research process has started on other projects to ensure that 2019 will be a year of progress!

Y-type train at Lemvig station
2018 was in many ways a year of many experiences. It started in Gedser on Falster, where I got to see the progress on the H-class no. 783. The Railway museum of Odense was moving rolling stock, which meant that I could see their MZ-class in the beginning of 2018 twice hauling MO-class motorcars and other stuff around.
In June I was in Jutland to visit the Lemvig railway, a trip i shall not forget. I had many delightful trips on the Y-type train and the ”mountain line” to Lemvig harbor.

Mr-class DMU at Haderslev
It was an amazing experience being on board my childhood trains, and the seats and warning tone when the doors closed, brought back memories.
In September i was in Odense to see the launch of the replica of Denmark's first steam engine ”Odin” and on the 30th of December I was in Haderslev to say goodbye to the 900 meter long line between Haderslev city and Haderslev west, together with the Danish railway society (DJK) which ran a farewell tour with a MR-class DMU.

I completed my Christmas art, although a little late, and both Christmas presents were handed over to two societies, both in Jutland and the Christmas card could be published on the New years eve. Drawings especially will be a common thing in 2019 as i'll be working on two documentary projects and a book project. On top of that i've been invited on board another book project that I look forward to tell you more about later!

Until next time....Happy new year!

Sebastian Berthelsen